White Canoe


We would be happy to compare notes on our Whites. We can send pictures.
I'm not sure the leather strip on ours is exactly as Jerry Stolmok and Rollin describe. Our canoe also has an interesting history; we purchased it along with an 1929 Old Town from the family of the original owner. The gentleman was with the US Geological Survey/National Park Service and did extensive work in the west with writings on the geology of Rocky Mountain National Park. Unfortunately, the granddaughter did not have any detailed information on when her grandfather purchased the E.M.White. We do know that he "geologized" northern Ontario in 1904 and conjecture that perhaps the E.M. White went with him. It does not appear to have undergone any major restoration, although it does show the signs of having lived in a very dry climate for the last 50+ years. The Old Town records confirm ownership by this gentleman. Often the stories of the owners are as fascinating as the canoes themselves.
