1931 Old Town restoration

Really nice. Plan on doing a similar paint scheme on my 1936 Yankee using maroon and cream with a separation stripe of an unknown color at this time.
Lowell Thurlow
WCHA #8757

Great job as usual! Hope you bring it to Deer Lake at the end of the month.

Congrats on a job well done!
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I am just starting to sand the filler on a 15 foot OT motor canoe with sponsons and I wanted to ask you two questions.

1: What did you use to seal and fill the seam at the bottom of the sponsons? and 2: What is the best way to fill and fair in the ends of the sponsons?

I noticed when taking things apart that Old Town used some sort of putty or filler but I couldn't identify what they used.

Thanks, Steve

Just do a neat job with the canvas at the ends of the sponsons, trim well, and work that filler in at the ends and at the junction between hull and sponson. Fillr, filler, filler. Works very well; I've had no problems with any of them even years later. Later, I'll see if I can find and attach some photos of past sponson jobs.


Hello Steve
This is how I did it....first of all I didn't fold the flap back like Old Town did,I simply cut the 2 pieces of canvas about 1 inch in front of the sponson so it will rest on top of a rib. I then used "Marine Goop" to seal the 2 pieces of canvas closed and to seal them to the canoe. I then drove staples through the canvas into the rib. After the canvas is filled and cured, I used body filler made by "Car Groom" to feather the edge out to nothing. When I put the filler on the sponson I did it in the upright position, so the gap got filled with filler. After the filler cured I turned the canoe upside down and ran a bead of acrylic latex sealant along the gap. When I painted the canoe I over lapped the paint 1/4 inch along that seam so there's 10 coats of paint on top of the sealant. I'm not a purist so this may not work for you.
Fairing Sponsons

Thanks Michael and Fred for the tips.

Since I have already folded over the ends and tacked the canvas the same as the factory did I have a little to much space to fill with just canoe filler. I will go with the body filler at the ends and run canoe filler into the seam the length of the hull.


Please don't tell anyone! It's vinyl tape. Actually it's two stripes. The color is turquoise and it's a 1/8th stripe, then a 1/8th space, over a 1/16th stripe. I got it from a company called TOOL PARADISE. You peel the back off, put it on, then there is a transparent cover that you pull off and voila, two parallel stripes that you can hardly feel. Kokopelli came from BEST DECALS and he went on the same way.

Later Fred

I have been using a similar product, but it is used with paint in auto pinstriping. It is a vinyl tape that goes on the canoe, you peel a cover piece off and it leaves masking and a stripe suitable for painting. There are many stripe variations available. I don't have the link handy, but I will post it.

Here is the link. I am not associated with the company. I have been very pleased with their service.

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